Harvesting Machinery
boronizing and nitriding for agricultural machinery
Machinery and equipment in agriculture are subject to high wear stresses and can be protected with boronizing and nitriding.
Borocoat® and nitriding protect against:
Abrasive wear
Cold welding
Surface shattering
Let our professionals advise you – from material selection to optimum wear protection.

Our solutions in use
Borocoat® & NItriding – Materials
- Cast iron
- Cast steel
- Carbon steel
- Quenched and tempered steel
- tool steel
- Stainless steel
More information
Data Sheet
Information about the process
Technical Information
Tips for successful heat treatment
Data Sheet
Information about the process – coming soon
Technical Information
Tips for successful heat treatment – coming soon
Wear protection for harvesters
Harvesters are particularly affected by wear due to abrasive wear and surface disruption. Constant work close to the ground leads to the carryover of sands and stones, which impact on surfaces of chopping and knife units. Combined with the processing of plant fibers, the components become worn, lose cutting performance and need to be replaced. Farmers are familiar with the problem that wear parts for harvesting machines such as combine harvesters, forage harvesters, potato harvesters or beet harvesters have to be replaced frequently – a significant cost factor.
BorTec services for better wear protection in agricultural machinery technology
With Borocoat® diffusion coatings, BorTec provides a solution that effectively protects components subject to wear and sustainably improves economic efficiency. Compared to conventional processes such as nitriding, case hardening, hard chrome coatings, thermal spraying or coating, service life increases of several 100 percent are easily possible. The combination of case-hardened and quenched and tempered steels with BOROCOAT® diffusion coatings resists spalling caused by impact stresses from harvest-related solids such as sand, stones and plant residues. In addition to comprehensive materials engineering advice, BorTec offers complete heat treatment such as case hardening, boronizing, diffusion annealing, vacuum hardening and tempering as a “one-stop” service.